Autumn Gold…

Golden Autumn on Prinsengracht near Utrechtsestraat in Amsterdam

Autumn Gold in Amsterdam

Amsterdam basks in the last rays of the low autumnal sun and its inhabitants carry on as if it's still high summer. That's the Indian summer version of course; there's also the autumn when we get blown to bits or when the cold sets in early attacking us from the east. Or the city may be shrouded in fog lending it an enchanting Venetian atmosphere.

Whichever the scenario, if you've done one of our walks, you'll have earned that drink in one of our carefully chosen ‘inns’, cheers! slainte, proost, chin chin…


Autumn walks in Amsterdam

The following walks would be good too on a nice autumnal day


What you can see in autumn in Amsterdam

Autumn Colour

Again it's the way the water and trees enhance each other; autumn highlights this golden harmony and the golden glow is everywhere, even on grey days. To use the image ‘rivers of gold’ is not an exaggeration.

The canals

The canals glisten and glitter, they shimmer, shine, and they sparkle. They glow and they gleam, they glint and they twinkle. The water is rarely mirror-still yet it reflects the colours, absorbs and radiates.
All these waterways become ever-changing abstract masterpieces reflecting not only the golden trees, but the wonderful autumnal skies, boats, waterside buildings and their colours.


If the wisteria is the big attraction in spring, and roses are the summer sensation, then it's the trees that really fascinate when autumn comes. The tree-lined streets, canals and quays turn to red, yellow, and gold. In the walks we will steer you towards some stunning tree-lined tributes to autumn, including wonderful arcs of plane trees, stands of poplar, oases of Caucasian wingnut, chestnut, ginkgo, lime and of course elm, all bathed in autumnal light and mostly in or near the centre of the city.

Evening glow

As evening falls (as it does early in the fall), the warm lamplight from curtain-less windows reflects the yellow gold of the trees. Walking home in the evening is autumnal bliss.

Vines and other fruits

Vines thrive in Amsterdam and as you walk around you will see how they also turn a golden hue in autumn and how their branches get heavy with bunches of grapes. Actually you may end up squelching around in fallen bunches as you pass by.
Recently, there are even apple and pear trees growing right in the city-centre.

Plant colour in pavement-gardens

There's usually plenty of residual colour, roses, hydrangea, lavender, potentilla, hollyhocks even wisteria should be adding some colour to the pavement-gardens around now. Apart from these, there are lots of annuals and perennials giving their last hurrah.
Probably the best of all are the sunflowers at this time of year.