Where: Amsterdam walks by area
Lots of different walks on this map - just click a route in the area you'd like to explore.
This overview looks very jumbled but in fact it shows how easily you can vary walks in Amsterdam. You can link walks, mix parts of a walk with parts of another walk and so forth. The amount of overlapping routes is evidence of how great Amsterdam is for walking.
Walks by Area
* [2] indicates that we have placed the walk in 2 areas (i.e. centre and west)
Wonderful about Amsterdam is that most places are within walking distance, and walking is so pleasant. We have set out to maximize the positive and eliminate (or minimize) the negative. If you prefer birdsong to the sound of accelerating traffic, and elm-lined walks to tarmac and concrete, then this site will be just ‘up your street’.
Some general points and ideas behind our walks:
- Round-trip, circular walks that enable you to proceed happily and not worry about ending up somewhere horrendous
- Intuitive routes so you can proceed without having to consult the directions every 2 seconds; you just need to note the turns
- Maps & directions that you can print out, mark in on your own (detailed) maps, or refer to on your iPad, iPhone etc..
- Green and quiet walks where there's as little noise and traffic as possible and yet leading you past you some of the most beautiful architecture in the city
- Hidden gems, secret spots of the real Amsterdam
- We route the walks to include any nice corners, pavement gardens, trees, streets, greens in the area. In this sense, it's good to keep to our route if you can
- Length of each walk is given so you can pace yourself
- We suggest nice places to stop and have food or drinks where you'll get good value and friendly service
- You can start the walk wherever you wish; you can return to the same point, or stop earlier. In some walks, we suggest a good place to start.